Creating Unique Flavors by Modulating the Rate of Rise

The Rate of Rise (RoR) is defined as the rate of increase of the coffee bean temperature during the roasting process. The RoR is usually measured every 30 seconds.

In North America, the RoR is usually expressed in Fahrenheit; in Europe, Celsius is generally accepted as the measure for temperature.

A prolonged RoR of more than 15 degrees F. (15 degrees per 30 seconds), will accelerate the roasting progress, creating the risk that the operator looses control of the process, which jeopardizes a balanced flavor of the roasted coffee. Roasting too fast can also result in sour, astringent flavor notes.
A RoR of less than 5 degrees F. can slow down the roasting profile, which can possibly cause the roasting process to stall, resulting into bittersweet and leather-like flavor notes.


  1. Thank you for discussing RoR. Our roast profiles is based on a total of 10 degree Fahrenheit RoR per minute after the drying phase . We are wanting to identify the spots for caramelizing and non organic acid degradation. Our observations have been during the aroma point these process are occurring. We would like to adjust our profile to target and control this specific developments. Where should we make charges to burner, fan, or drum speed to accomplish these. We are using a 35 kilo machine with a power burner. Thank you!

  2. A timely info! We were just pondering on the average Ror during a roast (using Huky 500 with 300-500 g batches) So is it safe to say that an average Ror between 5 -15 degrees is the way to go? Thank you!